Blast Design and Explosive Supervision

Our Technical Services Engineers digitally design the blast using cutting edge Blast Design Software.

At Kemek we aim to mix technology and expertise to deliver for our customers.

We can provide realistic 3D models that map the rock face and also its surroundings for greater visibility. Our digital, true to reality tools, enable us to optimally locate every single borehole and define the energy required to achieve the desired results. Digital designs allow optimisation of the full details of the blast which in turn translate into improved field implementation using Global Positioning System (GPS) technology.

Safe and effective use of commercial explosives at customers’ sites is our highest priority. When using Kemek’s Explosives Supervision / Blast Design Services, you are getting reliability from beginning to end. Our Technical Services Engineers have the expertise and necessary skills, experience, qualifications and equipment needed to complete the job from start to finish.

All our services are included within the scope of the Kemek’s ISO 9001 Quality Management System and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety.


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